Time changes everything, even you and I have changed

Hey hey. My parents are cute Mama and Nerdy Papa, hence my name is Nerdy Haziq.
I wear a pair of thick-framed black glasses, which people complain are so nineteen-fifty. And I'm seen with a book wherever I go. I'm a economy student who wants to get into triple economy class. My friends mock me for that, but of course the typical me don't give a damn.
-That's me

I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone

HaziqGhazali AtiqahMahizan Cik Aliaa Izzanis

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Ramadan 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012 || 9:00 AM

Hi and assalamualaikum is a common word that we always use in our daily life to start a conversation or something else.So now let me start my conversation with "what's up"is that okey?I hope so*troll face Haha!nah..actually this word is not suitable for us to use it in here cause it sound kinda "Poyo" but  sometimes it "swagging things"up.So let get's back to my main point.My motive writing this entry actually want  to wish all Muslim happy fasting,by the way I felt awkward when using the word "happy"for fasting cause I don't think so You all will excited or even felt happy for this thing but I know some of you felt very excited to fasting and that's good if you have that kind of spirit! So guys that all for now and don't forget to wake up for "Sahur" on the next day  okey?Hah!before I end this entry I have some tips to give you all on how to vigorous on the day you fasting.First of all you must eat something that easy to digest such as fruit or vegetable cause If you take a lot of carbohydrate I'm afraid you will fell less energizing and always felt asleep on the next morning this is because carbohydrate is heavy food.Second you should take many protein then carbohydrate this is because protein is function to build our cell in the mean while it also repairing our damage cell so I suggest you to take a glass of milk,milo or whatever that have protein but not taking too much of meat cause meat containing high colestrol and saturated fat.Third you should drink a lot of water when sahur cause  90 percent of our body containing water and the meantime you also should take many sweet food.I suggest kurma is the best source of energy that you can get from it cause it got highly glucose.OMG!my finger keep typing this keyboard!NO!!OKEY STOP TYPING!let get back to study! okey guys that all by the way felling so scared for this coming exam on 30 july and soon 27 august  for trial.Assalamualikum! 

Yummy!Hungry!?HAHA you have been tested!FAILED!